International Transactions
The aircraft market is now global and you need a broker who has the relationships, expertise, and financial stability to navigate the additional complexities international transactions provide. This is where we shine. We are pioneers in building a network of affiliates overseas to source and sell aircraft. We have strategic partners in Asia, Australia, Europe, India, Mexico, Pacific Rim, Puerto Rico, South Africa, and South America. Additionally, we maintain relationships with hundreds of global aircraft owners and operators who are potential buyers for your aircraft or who have the exact model aircraft you wish to purchase.We do not let geographic boundaries impede us from serving your needs. We have successfully imported and exported aircraft for many years and we shoulder the hard work to make the process as easy as possible for our clients. We have unparalleled expertise in:
- Strategic Partnerships/ Global Alliances
- Contracts and Negotiations
- Import/Export Requirements
- Pre-Buy Inspections